What Is Pride & How Does It Affect Me?

You may be wondering what is pride? Does it help me or is it hindering my progress in life? At this level of pride you feel positive only because of the lower levels that you believe to have conquered. Yet from time to time, depending on the situation or person involved you can find yourself slipping back into the emotions of the lower levels of human consciousness.

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What is Pride & How Does It Hold Me Back?

Because you have elevated yourself to the level of pride it feels good momentarily, and that is the reason why you are here. With that said, you desire something more to break down the barrier of resistance that continues to pull you back down.

At the level of pride you may be experience good things come your way, but at the same time a situation many develop, which has you feeling like it has been taken away and landing you back into one or more lower levels of human consciousness for periods of time. This level of pride is like a roller coaster ride, a wave of emotions. You never know what life is going to throw at you and there is a part of you that has a bit of fear over what may come tomorrow, months from now, or in the far future.

There may be moments where fear kicks in because of the unknown future. In pride one focuses their attention on the external conditions of what is happening in their life, which can cause you to stress over how things will ever work out.

what is pride

Triggers of Pride

There are specific triggers that land you back to feeling tremendous fear, guilt, shame, anger, and maybe grief. And it may be a struggle for you to rise above these vibrating emotions to feel happy again.

At this level you are still vulnerable because you are dependent upon external conditions to change in order to feel better. You may be waiting for it day in and day out, praying for a way. Yet your prayers are not answered, or you believe they are for a moment as you shake yourself out of it, but then once again something external happens to lands you back in the same emotional situation.

Some people at the lower end of this level love to play the blame game and are infamous for making excuses, because they have too much pride to admit and take responsibility for their own actions and their point of attraction. Their pride gets in the way of self-awareness.

what is pride

Getting off The Rollercoaster Ride

We cannot wait for the external conditions to change in order to feel better, if that’s what you’ve been doing please take note of the consistent roller coaster that you’ve been riding.

Wanting to reach a place of happiness is foolish, simply because happiness is a high. It’s like a drug. Once you feel that high of happiness, it is only a matter of time before you come down from it and feel the low emotions once again. Most times, this happens when an external condition is triggered. I’ll explain below the difference between happiness and contentment.

During your time in a level of pride you hold in these emotions from others. Putting on a false face of happiness to mask the internal hurt. Because you have too much pride to allow outsiders to see what you truly feel inside, which makes you vulnerable to slip into lower levels of human consciousness even more.

This does not mean you should open up to the world and those around you about your true feelings. It means that you must begin taking the steps needed to move past them. It means that YOU are the only one who needs to know and understand what is truly happening within to make your external conditions completely make a 360.

Hence, a life of contentment and positive manifestation starts with you.

what is pride

Contentment is a state of being where you are no longer riding the emotional waves and roller coaster of pride. It is where an internal sense on peace resides and you will learn more about it later in this course.

Prevent Falling Into Lower Levels of Consciousness

The first 4 levels of human consciousness will steer a person’s mind and emotions into the past if they choose to remain in these energy vibrations. Choosing to remain in these levels of human consciousness is the cause for depression, whether mild or severe. On the mild side, you will feel in a down state, which may last for a few days, a week, or maybe months. And it will affect your ability to manifest anything positive in your life.

The goal is to fully create an understanding of which levels you tend to slip into from time to time, or on a more regular basis.

Like I said before, we must have a clear understanding of where we are in the present moment, to make a clear distinction and plan of how to elevate to higher levels of human consciousness. It will give you the knowledge needed to lessen your time in those states, eventually reaching a place where you no longer slip into those thoughts or emotions again and finally rise up in energy to walk through the door of courage.

Healing Through The Shadows

Understanding these levels may bring up more and old emotions, as you will be face to face with the root cause. This is called shadow work. It is needed, necessary, and liberating. At the same time it will give you an incredible awakening, which creates the experiences you need to shift your perspective and elevate.

One cannot truly climb out of the rabbit hole by simple listening to someone who has already done it. One must create an experience for self to gain the motivation and awareness to reach for the top.

what is pride

I have worked my way to an energy level of love, and I continue to work daily with the intention to reach at least the level of peace within this lifetime. I’ve been at the bottom of that rabbit hole facing levels of shameguiltgrieffear, and anger for many years. I’m here for you as a spiritual coach to assist and guide you through the steps, but that alone will not help you. This is the reason why this entire program is designed for you to explore and do the work needed so you can create your own awareness and experiences to elevate your self.

I created it as a self-directed program which is free for anyone to access, because you are the key factor in making this happen. I cannot convince you, nor do I want to. But when you are ready, it is here and very powerful!

What is Pride & How Does It Relate To Me?

After reading the information I covered in The Human Consciousness of Pride. Start to think about how it relates to you.

What you discover through your honest answers will act as your stepping stone to rise above. Through your honesty lies the experience you need to shift perspective and connect the dots.

As you begin to journey into the human consciousness level of courage, which is where your first power exists, your awareness will have expanded to a whole new level.

Danger of Pride

At the level of pride, it is dangerous because there is a very good possibility of slipping into lower states for periods of time. As you rise to courage, you may have moments in a particular state, such as fear, anger, or desire. The difference is you will be viewing the entire situation and people within from a different perspective. Where you will learn and grow from it, rather than allowing it to take over you until you can shake yourself out of it.

For now I want to elaborate on a concept that is so dear to a person in pride, yet is the cause of breaking through to higher levels. It is a perspective of majority in society and has people continuing to ride the emotional rollercoaster that lands them into the lower levels of energy.

what is pride

Pride Is The Place of Happiness

Pride is a place where happiness is it’s main priority. Your pride may be so high that you feel the need to protect your happiness. As you rise higher in consciousness you will understand that you no longer wish to be happy, you intend to feel content. There is a huge difference in the two.

Happiness is a momentary state. There is an excitement. You feel good! And all it takes is one situation or person to enter the room that can throw you off the pedestal of happiness and into any one of the lower state of consciousness.

It is as if you are surfing on this incredible wave and flowing with the current and then you lose your balance and fall, at times comes crashing down. There are

highs and lows to happiness. It is a state of bliss that comes from retail therapy, a new position, a new job, a new relationship, and even a newborn child.

In that moment everything feels good, until you feel the low and begin to try everything you can think of to bring yourself back to that state of happiness. Whether it is watching your favourite TV show, taking a relaxing bath, or buying a new outfit, or a night out with friends to forget the day.

Contentment Is The Goal

Contentment on the other hand is when one is in a state of peace majority of the time, content in what others would call boredom. When you feel content in the midst of obstacles you understanding all situations exist for a specific reason and you’re ok with it. Content in disagreements or the engagement of someone in a lower state, such as anger or desire. In this state there is no desire or need to over play any situation, there is no need to consume the mind over what cannot be changed, how a person acted or treated you, or how to get out of it. When feeling contentment one understands that stillness is the tunnel to making your way out.

In a place of contentment one has tremendous trust in life as it unveils. In contentment, the moment there is any negative emotions or thoughts, the practice of stillness comes into play instantly!

what is pride

Utilize The Power of Stillness

In stillness, one is able to remain in a state of contentment to see, absorb, and understand the situation that is happening around and within to maintain this level of peace.

Stillness pulls the plug and allows the mind to drain completely, filling self with divine love to fuel up and create understanding.

Power of Contentment

In contentment, one does not interfere with acts of negative emotions. These acts of emotions blind us from the understanding of what is truly happening.

Contentment has one rejoice in the positive emotions of manifestation. You feel the boost of energy and when that energy begins to settle, you find yourself right back at a place of inner peace. The waves of energy within contentment are in alignment. It is this alignment that allows us to manifest at rapid speed.

Waves of energy within happiness are tangled, pulling you down, allowing manifestations to appear at times, most times taking longer to reach because of the slips in consciousness.

In contentment, we have the ability to open our minds and expand our awareness. Through this practice you have the ability to naturally shift your perspective to a place of awakening. Remember I said, to become aware, we must create an experience that will open our eyes for ourselves. Self-experience is the only way.

Some Things To Think About…

Start to think about which levels you tend to slip into. What are the situations that triggers those slips? Who are the people in those situations? Think about all of this with the intention to learn for your own growth.

Start to think about your shadow and how certain actions, behaviours, or situations reflect something within you that requires attention to move through and past.

Understand that through this reflected time will surface a door to a place where you will have the courage to let go of all that does not feel good and gain the confidence to do the work necessary to create a new perspective that will shift your world and manifests in your favour.

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