How To Control Anger Issues That Rise Up

How to control your anger issues is something we begin to ask as we become aware of apathy, grief or fear that is masks.

Anger can easily form in the mind and take over emotions within seconds. The repercussions of what your anger masks can heighten a level of desire where you want more of what’s not working. It’s a mind fuck, I know. The human consciousness at this level can easily confuse the mind. You then begin to desire, which raises your energy level to take action. Actions that may lead to frustration, and so turning into anger and the cycle continues.

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This frustration can lead you to constructive or destructive behaviour and actions. On the destructive side, it stems from a strong desire. Constructively can raise you to pride.

Understanding Teaches You How To Control Anger Issues

Anger is often expressed as resentment, resentment over actions taken and taken out on self, resentment towards others and their actions without understanding their level of consciousness or the actions of self. Resenting situations without the understanding that they had to happen. They had to happen to either teach you a lesson, shake awareness to a bad situation, or to show you a hidden blessing in the rumble.

Sometimes anger rises out of envy or jealousy of another person. The ego twists your perspective of the true fact that their actions, opportunities, way of life, and level of consciousness has nothing to do with your path. Yet when anger arises over situations and circumstances it’s a clear indication and mirrored effect of what needs healing within you.

Resentment and especially reactions of revenge are expansive and explosive. If you have this level of human consciousness the best practice to move through it is to become aware to it. Open and expand your mind to understand what is actually happening. We can only do this when we are willing to step aside and shift one’s perspective without action.

how to control anger issues

In the moment that you feel the emotion of anger, breathe…in for 4 and out for 4…relax the body, mind, and spirit to see more clearly before making any decisions to react.

Characteristics of Anger

Explosive, Irritable, Hostile

Loves to argue


Those stuck in the level of anger, are often ready to explode at any given moment. You are not stuck at this level, but there are moments that trigger this slide. There are people, situations, and circumstances that have you lose control and allow anger to flow in from time to time.

The situations may overplay in your mind, deepening the intensity of that emotion, until you are ready to snap out of it and slide back up to pride. Complete the Anger Discovery Worksheet, and then move on to the next audio of human consciousness.

Hey, I’m Tracy Leila

I am a woman who struggled all her life and had to heal from childhood trauma. I was a girl who was lost and never felt complete. I grew into a young woman who was searching for love and trying to heal from the anger of being hurt. My soul self lead me on a path that forced me to heal within. Eventually leading me to a place within that’s peaceful, understanding my true self and filling my own cup. My intention is to inspire you to heal where you need it most to bring peace into your life and everyone around you!

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