How To Heal: An Active State of Willingness

If you’re wondering how to heal, you must also become aware of your level of willingness. In doing so, you begin to understand how lower levels that may be blocking you from this active state. The human consciousness level of willingness is where an entirely new pathway rises for you to reach higher levels.

Growth is rapid at this level. You were capable of the work achieved up to a state of neutrality. Although at times it may have been challenging, you worked through it and experienced a more comfortable state than you have ever felt before. This is why you are here now.

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If you’re wondering how to heal, you must also become aware of your level of willingness. In doing so, you begin to understand how lower levels that may be blocking you from this active state. The human consciousness level of willingness is where an entirely new pathway rises for you to reach higher levels.

Growth is rapid at this level. You were capable of the work achieved up to a state of neutrality. Although at times it may have been challenging, you worked through it and experienced a more comfortable state than you have ever felt before. This is why you are here now.

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How To Heal Require Willingness To Heal

In a state of willingness, your work is done exceptionally well and your results are reflected with success. This is the result of being willing to face all the emotions and pain that lies within your shadow. You must have courage first, then as you continue to heal you become neutral in your way of thinking and observing. This energy helps you to rise to a level where you’re now willing to face all that you have been suppressing for years.

You now understand the power in simplicity and can clearly see the resistance, which held you at lower levels of conscious energy. We cannot create change from the pain we feel if we lack the courage to be willing to heal. This means doing all the shadow work required to rise in human consciousness

Your commitment to self-growth and your expansion has resulted in the release of past resistance. At this level confidence increases because you know you’re no longer prone to slip due to communications with others, seemly unpleasant situations (which you understand are needed to happen), or circumstances.

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What Happens In A State of Willingness

You understand that any seemly negative situation is actually happening to steer you in the right direction. Or reflecting back to you what you may be feeling in that moment.

The only fear you will have at this level is towards negative emotions because you finally have reached a place of understanding that knowing how to heal is what matters most.

A great opening begins to expand within the mind. You begin to make sense of which thoughts are based on ego. There is an understanding that begins to form about your higher self, and which promotes inspirations intuitive guidance.

Because of this you are genuinely friendly with others and social.

This new alignment that has formed within your frequency of energy promotes success on many different levels. You are not troubled by unemployment and will take any job available. You have the drive to start a new career or business venture and never would feel demeaned to start at the bottom and move up. Because you are willing!

how to heal

Willingness Teaches How To Heal & Bounce Back

A person in a place of willingness is helpful and contributes to society. This person is willing to face their inner issues as their perspective is in a completely new place. Self-esteem is high and reinforced by feedback from others and recognition.

The willing person is able to bounce back from adversity and learn from it. There may be moments where unwanted emotions begin to stream in, but the willing person is able to self-correct, acknowledge this stream and has the knowledge and tools to calm the inner emotions and bounce back fast.

The quicker you are able to bounce back, the quicker you will re-align and maintain healthy and positive manifestations in your life.

Hey, I’m Tracy Leila

I am a woman who struggled all her life and had to heal from childhood trauma. I was a girl who was lost and never felt complete. I grew into a young woman who was searching for love and trying to heal from the anger of being hurt. My soul self lead me on a path that forced me to heal within. Eventually leading me to a place within that’s peaceful, understanding my true self and filling my own cup. My intention is to inspire you to heal where you need it most to bring peace into your life and everyone around you!

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