Self Control Is Being In “Neutral” Awareness

Self control is becoming courageous enough to face your inner shadow. As you work through and interrupt built up resistance an incredible sense of awareness begins to blossom. You can feel a higher elevation, which has you in a neutral state of human consciousness.

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A Sense of Release With Self Control

There is a great sense of release, knowing that you have risen past the tipping point of slipping into lower levels of consciousness. Understand that there may still be moments where emotions of ego attempt to test you and your level of self control. By elevating to the neutral level of human consciousness, you are now able to understand it’s presence and have the knowledge and tools to release the thoughts and emotions immediately before slipping and feeling stuck at lower levels for any period of time.

At one time, slipping into lower levels may have lasted for weeks, or days, or even hours. As you rise into the state of neutrality, it begins to lessen even more. The emotional funk that you may have experienced for long periods of time, may only last for an hour, or 30 minutes, or even just for a few minutes until your awareness kicks in and you begin to interrupt the pattern of ego’s resistance. This creates an immense sense of self control.

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Awareness = Self Control

At the level of neutrality, you feel flexible and without judgment. Viewing problems with a more realistic approach rather than getting attached to any visions, stories or ideas that may arise as an outcome.

At the level of neutrality, one finally is able to finally understand and appreciate the beauty of presence.

When challenges or obstacles arise at this level, one does not feel defeated or frustrated if they do not get their way. For example…if you did not get the job you were anticipating, you simple understand that you will get another. Or if situations do not go as planned, you simple trust that there is a good reason for it, not allowing it to brew within your mind and emotions.

Because of this new awareness and self control of the mind and emotions, automatically a newfound self-confidence begins to arise. You begin to see and feel your power, you are not easily intimidates and most importantly do not have anything to prove.

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Benefits of Being In Control & Neutral

The attitude of one who has reached the human consciousness level of neutrality says, “I am willing to flow with the waves of life because I trust that everything will be OK.”

At this level there is a sense of well-being. This person is easy to be around because there is no battle, no competition, and no conflict. This neutral person is comfortable and emotionally undisturbed.

Because of this, you will highly value this internal freedom. If you think back to the lower levels, one would allow any given situation to brew within their being, stirring up all kinds of emotions, which at lower levels are difficult to shake. This is not self control.

At this level of consciousness there is the knowledge and understanding that you do have the self control to instantly release those thoughts and emotions. You have experienced the peacefulness and results of presence, that you now understand the feeling of being undisturbed emotionally.

Rising to a place of neutrality simply means that ego no longer has control. With that said, habits of ego will attempt to test you, but this time you are able to win. Meaning, the resistance that once was and continued to linger is now breaking down and alignment if finally starting to form.

Hey, I’m Tracy Leila

I am a woman who struggled all her life and had to heal from childhood trauma. I was a girl who was lost and never felt complete. I grew into a young woman who was searching for love and trying to heal from the anger of being hurt. My soul self lead me on a path that forced me to heal within. Eventually leading me to a place within that’s peaceful, understanding my true self and filling my own cup. My intention is to inspire you to heal where you need it most to bring peace into your life and everyone around you!

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