Feeling Hopelessness Is A Sign of Apathy

This level of human consciousness is one of feeling hopelessness. This low energy has one feeling abandoned in life without any courage to face the true issues that lie within. Watch the video below for a greater understanding of feeling hopelessness through the energy of apathy.

A person facing apathy feels hopelessness and desolated. Living in despair with an outlook on life that looks extremely grim. This low level energy is hard for those who experience higher levels of consciousness to understand. Unless you’ve lived through this level of energy, it’s hard to relate. This is the level of consciousness where people seriously contemplate suicide. When trapped in this state, there is no positive outlook on life.

feeling hopelessness

Feeling hopelessness and dependency…A person living at the level of apathy often plays the victim. This person is needy to those close to them and are very dependent upon others. They lack the energy and are blinded by the resources available to them to move out of this state of human consciousness.Often times, one who is at the energy level of apathy will stare blankly and be unresponsive, without the will to live.Although these people are very dependent on others, they feel as if they are a burden to those around them, which has then fall deeper into a state of apathy and a deeper feeling of hopelessness.


Hey, I’m Tracy Leila

I am a woman who struggled all her life and had to heal from childhood trauma. I was a girl who was lost and never felt complete. I grew into a young woman who was searching for love and trying to heal from the anger of being hurt. My soul self lead me on a path that forced me to heal within. Eventually leading me to a place within that’s peaceful, understanding my true self and filling my own cup. My intention is to inspire you to heal where you need it most to bring peace into your life and everyone around you!

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